1. Decision of referee on playing field is final.
2. Actions of parents and players will be the responsibility of the individual team coaches.
3. All members of the FCYSA will exhibit good sportsmanship at all FCYSA functions.
4. Poor sportsmanship shall include, but not limited to:
a. Profanity at any time.
b. Abusive language directed toward a player, coach, parent or referee.
c. Fighting.
5. No alcohol or illegal drugs allowed at any FCYSA function.
6. Use of all tobacco products by players, parents, coaches, and referees is prohibited at all practices and games.
7. All players will have the opportunity to play at least half of every FCYSA league game unless they are being disciplined by their coach.
8. All players will be required to wear shin guards at all practices and games and abide by the general safety rules as specified by the FCYSA.
Reference Article IV-FCYSA BY Laws
Section I - The membership shall be composed of every registered player,parent or guardian of said player, coach, referee, or administrator.
Section IV - Any member that does not abide by the Rules of Conduct established by the F CYSA may be expelled by the Executive Committee.
A violation of the General Rules of Conduct may result in a suspension of one (1) or more games. All suspension will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.
The FIFA “Laws of the Game" shall apply to any and all competition sponsored by this Association:
FIFA Law V(d) states: Referees have discretionary power to stop the game for any infringement of the Laws and to suspend or terminate the game whenever, by reason of the elements, interference by spectators, or other cause, he deems such stoppage necessary.
1. Decision of referee on playing field is final.
2. Actions of parents and players will be the responsibility of the individual team coaches.
3. All members of the FCYSA will exhibit good sportsmanship at all FCYSA functions.
4. Poor sportsmanship shall include, but not limited to:
a. Profanity at any time.
b. Abusive language directed toward a player, coach, parent or referee.
c. Fighting.
5. No alcohol or illegal drugs allowed at any FCYSA function.
6. Use of all tobacco products by players, parents, coaches, and referees is prohibited at all practices and games.
7. All players will have the opportunity to play at least half of every FCYSA league game unless they are being disciplined by their coach.
8. All players will be required to wear shin guards at all practices and games and abide by the general safety rules as specified by the FCYSA.
Reference Article IV-FCYSA BY Laws
Section I - The membership shall be composed of every registered player,parent or guardian of said player, coach, referee, or administrator.
Section IV - Any member that does not abide by the Rules of Conduct established by the F CYSA may be expelled by the Executive Committee.
A violation of the General Rules of Conduct may result in a suspension of one (1) or more games. All suspension will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.
The FIFA “Laws of the Game" shall apply to any and all competition sponsored by this Association:
FIFA Law V(d) states: Referees have discretionary power to stop the game for any infringement of the Laws and to suspend or terminate the game whenever, by reason of the elements, interference by spectators, or other cause, he deems such stoppage necessary.